3:30 getting ready for our little trip 3:45 surprise visit from a good friend 4:15 on the road with Elvis Presley to sing along to (just me singing) 5:20 score an awesome and free parking spot Perfect 4 hour Saturday evening with my loves.
As of today, these are a few of my favorite things. -Ginger Peach Tea -driving alone with all the windows down -pretend shopping -movie night -sewing -Born to Run -hearing Desmond say "oh boys" when he is excited -the new Beastie Boys album -the smell of Desmond's hair when he comes in from outside -burritos -after dinner walks
So this Wednesday when Drew picked Desmond up from daycare, he found out Thursday was "Crazy Hat" Day. Yes, we have hats but "crazy", no. Call it my inner creative side or Drew's insisting on us to make something fantastic, but we kind of nailed it.
I will admit that when Drew suggested WE make something cool, that I thought, yeah right WE. More like, I would be up all night trying to satisfy his great idea. I forgot that he is super-dad though and we both kicked parenting in its ass. So Drew took care of the eyes and I took on the teeth and VOILA! Dino-hat was born.
I've been busy sewing and it has finally paid off. Yesterday was the Collingswood Green Festival and while it was cold and rainy, I did pretty well. It feels good to be involved in an event with such a positive mission.
I've been waiting to update my etsy page for quite some time and I've finally been able to get everything posted. I also changed up my home page so check out my new bibs and coasters by clicking on my etsy link over there on the left.
I've found it increasingly difficult to keep up with posting, however judging from the subject matter of the following, can you blame me? Can we add a couple hours to a day?