I have been so in tune with the surrounding smells of fall lately. The best one ever is the when I open my mom and dad's front door. Really, anytime of year but especially in the fall when my mom is cooking some sort of seasonal yumminess. Also, my dad almost always has a fire going in the backyard which stirs in with the old house smell too. This combination makes me want to wrap myself into one of my mom's couch throw blankets and cuddle up next to her where she will undoubtedly start rubbing my back or feet or whatever part of me is within her arm's length. Of course when Julie is home, it is a silent battle for mom's contact. Did I mention I am 32 and Julie is 29? Yes, we still cuddle with our mom. You would too if she was your mom.

seasonal yumminess

Silently battling for mom in the 80's.
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